Saturday, 18 April 2009

E-Learning with Skillstrain

What Do You Think Of E-Learning?

There are more and more online colleges everyday coming amongst the net.

One of these online colleges I actually have been involved with myself over the last year.
The company that I actually was learning with was skillstrain based in Luton, England.

Skillstrain say they are an online college but infact they actually act as a middleman in all of this as I have come to believe.
I signed up this time last year for the A+ N+ S+ Course in which was billed at £3225 in which a £75-00 fee had to be paid to the salesman in advance.

I have teamed up with several guys that have been doing the same course as myself and checked the progress reports that we have received and every report gives the same feedback.

This shows that the feedback wrote is all computer generated. (Is this really a way to give credit to yourself?)
Skillstrain also have a web form if you have any questions. I also got another student to send in the same question as me and it came to show the same answers in which was also computer generated.
Now, This is the bit that got me.......
When you go to take an exam theyt actually put you in touch with a examining board in which you have to book yourself etc..... You actually have to pay for it out of your own pocket and then Skillstrain reimburse you at a later stage in which I have been told can take several weeks.

The funny thing is...... You are paying over 3K for a full course when INFACT you can maybe do this for less than £800. (Maybe Less)

How is this done? (Easy Really)

You can buy all course material on the net or your local book shops and take the exam yourself by using an examing board in which Skillstrain use.


  1. Am reading more negative comments on this people. whats going on with 'em?

  2. If you and the group your studying with haven't signed the petition yet you can sign it now.
